Chileeeeeee. How was your Holiday? I know we all had to celebrate differently then we usually would. This year has been full of so many ups and downs. At times I know it feels like we would never catch a break. From social injustice, to Covid, job loss and so much more it would be so easy to step into despair. While this year has not been the best, it has definitely taught us to be grateful for what we do have.
I'll be honest, there was some times my faith in humanity wavered, there were many moments that reminded me there are so many good people in the world. I learned some very hard lessons in 2020. But I also experienced the most personal growth to date. I was able to spend some valuable time with me. Because what else was there to do? 🤣🤷 I faced some hard truths about myself while learning to be truly kind to myself.
2020 truly reminded me that life is but a vapor and spending it not fully healed is a disservice to myself. I'm thankful for many things and people this year. The top of my list is any time I get with my family and embarking on new adventures. But my pride and joy is working on myself. Going to therapy, working through trauma, and walking in my purpose. I'm thankful for life and good health. I'm thankful that I see myself as worth the work. I pray that you see yourselves as worth the work too.
Because you are. Always were and always will be.
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